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tfm copy workspaces --vcs

tfm copy workspaces --vcs or tfm copy ws --vcs assigns a vcs' from source to destination org.

NOTE: A vcs mapping must be provided in TFM's

As part of the HCL config file (/home/user/.tfm.hcl), a list of source-vcs-oauth-ID=destination-vcs-oauth-id-ID can be provided. tfm will use this list when running tfm copy workspaces --vcs to look at all workspaces in the source host with the assigned source VCS oauth ID and assign the matching named workspace in the destination with the mapped destination VCS oauth ID.

# A list of source=destination VCS oauth IDs. TFM will look at each workspace in the source for the source VCS oauth ID and assign the matching workspace in the destination with the destination VCS oauth ID.
