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Migration Journey TFE to TFC

Migration Journey

The above is an estimated customer experience when migrating TFE to TFC (or another TFE). Offered and ran as a Fast Track offering, we run customer through a proven delivery methodolgy Implementation Services have been using to adopt other HashiCorp products.

Technical Planning

Technical Planning Sprint (TPS) is a series of workshops to discuss and work through the technical requirements of a migration. Customer engineers and any technical hands on personal are encouraged to join these sessions to clarify what will be executed in the upcoming implementation sprint/s.

  • Review necessary prerequisites and verify ability to execute the tfm tool within customer environment.
  • Ascertain if individuals with appropriate access levels will be involved in the migration process
  • Normal TFC configuration items (VCS, IdP, Terraform Cloud Agents) that will be covered
  • Agents - Differences for on-prem deployments TFE vs. TFC.

tfm copy

This phase introduces the tfm tool and demonstrates it capabilities. We plan to migrate the workspaces that were identified in technical planning. The following are the outcomes of this phase.

  • Confirm Migration pre-requisites
  • VCS, Teams, Agent Pools, Workspace readiness
  • Copy of Workspaces
  • States
  • Variables
  • Team Access *
  • Agent Pools *
  • Copy Teams *
  • Workspace locked in destination

Cutover Planning

Migrating/Copying over workspaces into the destination TFC or TFE is easy with tfm, however there are other external dependencies and factors that need to be planned. Some examples of this are:

  • When does each team cutover completely from using the older TFE workspaces and the new TFC workspaces.
  • Does VCS repository need to be cutover or locked ?
  • Verifying workspaces are Terraform planning cleanly (source and destination)
  • Ensure the old TFE workspace cannot be updated or utilized by existing engineers/developers
  • If there any updates to the source workspace state, re-run tfm copy to ensure the destination is up to date
  • Using tfm list to verify workspaces that have been cut over/migrated
  • Communication plan and lead time of cutover.

Future Cutovers

There are times some workspaces cannot be migrated directly with tfm due to external factors. These workspaces may require future work to make it compatible to migrate to TFC or it is a timing and scheduling requirement.