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HashiCorp Implementation Services

Migrating from Terraform Community Edition to Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise.

Note: The Terraform Community Edition migration as part of tfm has been deprecated in favor of tf-migrate. The CE migration feature has not been removed from tfm however it will not be receiving further developments.

Pre-Migration Questionnaire


  • Are you permitted to run TFM in an environment that can access the supported VCS and TFC/TFE at the same time?
  • Terraform CLI must be installed in the execution environment to use the tfm features.
  • The local execution environment running tfm must be able to authenticate to the backend store state files to use the tfm features for downloading state.

Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise

  • TFE Version? (If applicable)
  • Number of TFE/TFC Organizations that you wish to split terraform configurations amongst if more than 1.
  • Which VCS? Only supported vcs types at this time.
  • Is the VCS routable from the internet and serving a publicly trusted certificate?
  • Once configurations are migrated, will TFE/TFC have network connectivity to manage the inrastructure and download the required providers and modules defined in your code?

Terraform Community Edition Configurations

  • How many configurations do you believe you have?
  • Where are state files being stored today? (s3, azure, etc.)
  • How are VCS repositories that contain terraform community edition configurations structured?
  • Are there repositories that contain multiple configurations split between miltiple directories?
  • Are you using terraform workspaces and managing multiple state files with 1 backend configuration in the same terraform configuration?
  • Are you using third party tools like terragrunt to manage terraform configurations?

Project Flow

The migration propject has 6 key phases:

  1. Discovery
  2. Planning
  3. Configuration
  4. Technical Validation
  5. Migration
  6. End-User Validation


  • Determine current Terraform Community Edition landscape
  • Version Control Providers (Which VCS)
  • Structure(s) of VCS repositories (monorepos, terraform workspaces in use, terragrunt or other 3rd party tools being used)
  • Estimated number of repositories and terraform configurations per repository.
  • Estimated number of total terraform configurations to migrate.
  • Establish Workspace criteria required to be eligible for migration. Migrating everything or just some.
  • Discuss workspace creation
  • tfm only has the capabilities to create workspaces with constructed from the metadata file tfm generates with the following format: repo_name+config_path+workspace_name for configurations using terraform ce workspaces and repo_name+config_path for configurations not using terraform ce workspaces.
  • Future releases aim to allow workspace names to be modified during creation or map to existing worksapces created with the terraform tfe provider.
  • Discuss State Migration on Workspaces (Latest State only)


  • Gather the requied credentials for migrating with tfm
  • VCS token with read permissions for each repo of interest
  • (Optional) VCS token with write permissions for each repo of interest. This is only needed if you intend to use the remove-backend command to assist in commenting out backend configurations post migraion.
  • Terraform Cloud or Enterprise token with permissiosn to create workspaces.
  • Determine if TFE/TFC workspaces will have the ability to manage the resources after migration. Will TFE/TFC have network access and authentication capabilities to manage the migrated resources?
  • Establish nigration Timeline and Priority
  • Sometimes multiple configuration files are created to migrate sets of configurations to TFE/TFC at intervals.
  • Establish Validation process as agreed upon with the Customer.
  • Running a plan and apply after the migration to verify no changes are expected.
  • How to assign credentials to all of the workspaces after migration.
  • Establish a control plane to run tfm from to perform migration tasks. Requires access to the Terraform Enterprise/Terraform Cloud destination org and the VCS at the same time. Requires credentials to authenticate to the terraform backends.


  • Configure the TFE/TFC Version Control connection
  • Configure the tfm configuration file
  • Install terraform in the working environment
  • Configure backend authentication credentials in the working environment

Technical Validation (Proof of Concept)

  • Leveraging a subset of VCS repos, migrate enough to verify the migration process.
  • Test validation steps on the items migrated configurations by running a plan and apply in the worksapce.


  • Perform migration of terraform configurations in the priority order identified in planning.
  • ( Optional) Run tfm core migrate to migrate an entire GitHub org or Gitlab Project at once.
  • ( Recommended ) Run tfm core commands in the order defined:
    • tfm core clone
    • tfm core init-repos
    • tfm core getstate
    • tfm core create-workspaces
    • tfm core upload-state
    • tfm core link-vcs
  • Run plan and apply on TFC/TFE workspaces and verify no changes are expected.
  • Validate.

  • tfm core remove-backend if desired to cleanup the code and push branches.

End-User Validation

  • Run plan and apply on TFC/TFE workspaces and verify no changes are expected.
  • Validate.

Migration Flow

The high level migration flow has 6 key steps:

  1. Clone terraform configuration repositories
  2. Build the metadata file describing the layout of each repo
  3. Retreieve state files
  4. Create TFC/TFE workspaces
  5. Upload state files to workspaces
  6. Link configuration repositories to workspaces
  7. Cleanup configuration code